Megan Phelps, PharmD, BCCCP

Why I did I choose to complete a residency?

I decided to complete a residency when I recognized the impact I could have on the lives of my patients during my P4 year. After working in a community pharmacy, I knew I could positively influence patients in many ways. However, when I practiced in the hospital and observed the work of my mentors in the institutional setting, I felt my potential soar! I was able to make numerous interventions effectively and efficiently. The rewarding experience I had on rotations motivated me to apply for residency.

Why Ohio State?

Most of my experience during pharmacy school occurred in small, community-teaching hospitals and one large academic medical center at The University of Cincinnati. My experience in Cincinnati, OH was incredible! With this said, I still hoped to broaden my experiences so I could practice anywhere life brings me. After doing my research and speaking to mentors about The Ohio State University, I knew this would be the perfect place for me to start my career. OSU offers many options for second year residency training), has an excellent mentorship group, and offers advanced research and teaching opportunities. I knew from my first interaction with OSU that this is exactly where I wanted to be!



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