
Residency Research

Resident research is an important part of each residency program at The Ohio State University.  The opportunity to complete a research project under the mentorship of experienced clinicians and researchers is a fundamental difference that sets our program apart from many others. Conducting a research project allows the resident to develop and expand upon a multitude of skills such as IRB submission, study design, data collection, data analysis, and the completion of a written manuscript and oral project presentation.  In addition, the resident has the opportunity to work directly with a statistician assigned to the project. The research project is uniquely poised to assist the resident with skills ranging from oral/written communication, statistical analysis, and clinical outcomes relative to pharmacy practice.

Throughout the course of the program, each resident will be expected to complete the following:

  1. Research protocol/IRB application
  2. Research poster (eg. ASHP Midyear, UHC, or APhA meeting)
  3. Research podium (eg. GLPRC or OPRC)
  4. Manuscript
Lecture Series

To assist the resident with the completion of their major research project, a research lecture series is offered throughout the year. The lecture series speakers are Ohio State College of Pharmacy and OSUWMC Department of Pharmacy faculty, physicians who collaborate with pharmacists, and visiting professors who have demonstrated success in conducting research, grant writing, and publishing. These lectures provide the residents with the necessary foundational knowledge to complete their research projects.

Research Working Group

To assist the resident with the completion of their major research project, a research working group is typically formed.  The participants in the working group include the resident, the primary project advisor, the statistician and any other key personnel such as other collaborating physicians or pharmacists.

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The main purpose of the group is support resident progress, provide accountability to the residency program director and research direction, and overall enhance the timeliness of feedback and success of the residents’ project. The group may provide suggestions/input on study design, discuss research barriers and ways to overcome them, evaluate the process for data collection, and preliminary findings, or advise the resident on, presentation skills, or manuscript development.

Completion of the Research Project

Completing the research project and manuscript is required to receive a residency program certificate. If the resident does not submit the research results for publication by December 31st of the year of residency graduation, the preceptor(s) reserve the right to publish the information without the input/participation of the resident, or revise authorship order to appropriately reflect the resident’s contribution.

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Finally, the resident is required to complete all the necessary administrative procedures related to IRB reporting, closure of study, etc. prior to leaving the residency.  Importantly, all rules and guidelines related to data storage/archiving must be resolved prior to the resident finishing the residency.  Failing to do so may jeopardize the awarding of the program certificate.

Residents completing a PGY1 and PGY2 residency at Ohio State

For those residents that complete both a PGY1 and PGY2 residency at Ohio State, completion of a major research project is required during both residency years.