Timothy R. Ulbrich

Why” was completing a residency at Ohio State beneficial to your career?

The residency at OSU was the key piece that unlocked the door to the opportunities that have been presented to me since finishing residency training. The preceptors and program directors instilled a sense of innovation and hard work that carried with me to my first position at Northeast Ohio Medical University College of Pharmacy. As I reflect back to the residency program and practice sites that are a part of the OSU residency program, it is apparent how much the OSU community/ambulatory care practice sites were, and still are, on the cutting edge of practice.

The areas of emphasis of the residency program and skills I learned during residency training were essential. The strong patient care experiences combined with a focus on teaching and research assisted me greatly upon entering a faculty position. I felt prepared to enter the classroom, engage in research and balance the demands of a practice-based faculty position. The focus of the OSU residency program on having its graduates become a “change agent” in the profession has inspired my current work to develop, implement and evaluate numerous patient care services throughout NE Ohio that have positively impacted patient care and expanded the role of the pharmacist.

Any particular career accomplishments you would like to highlight? Publications, Awards, Grant Funding, etc?

Peer reviewed publications

Rodis JL, Ulbrich TR, Jennings BT, Elswick BM, Jackowski McKinley R. Students as catalysts to increase community pharmacy-led direct patient care services. J Am Pharm Assoc 2015; 55:e459-e464.

Bright DR, Adams AJ, Ulbrich TR, Soric MM. Mentoring residency candidates: Avoiding misinformation and employing best practices. INNOVATIONS 2015;6(2):1-5.

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Bright DR, Adams AJ, Ulbrich TR, Soric MM. Coaching for success: A residency search primer and update for preceptors and faculty. Hosp Pharm 2015;50(6): 467-476.

Ulbrich T, Adams A, Bright D, Sullivan D, Schnur E, Bess DT, Owen J, Bradley-Baker L. Differences in career paths and attributes of pharmacists completing a community pharmacy residency program (CPRP). INNOVATIONS 2014;5(4):1-18.

Wright E, Brown B, Gettig J, Martello J, McClendon K, Smith K, Teeters J, Ulbrich T, Wegrzyn N, Bradley-Baker L. Teaching and learning curriculum (TLC) programs: Recommendations for post-graduate pharmacy experiences in education. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2014;71:1292-1302.

Rodis JL, Ulbrich TR. Community pharmacists’ occupational satisfaction and stress: A profession in jeopardy? Response to Munger et al. J Am Pharm Assoc 2014; 54(1):6-7.

Rogers J, Ulbrich T. Portfolio preparation for residency candidates. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2014;72:1339-41.

Kelling SE, Bright DR, Ulbrich TR, Sullivan DL, Gartner J, Cornelius DC. Development and implementation of a community pharmacy medication therapy management-based transition of care program in the managed Medicaid population. INNOVATIONS 2013;4(4):1-7.

Ulbrich TR, Metzger AH, Finley Sobota KF, McAuley JW. Evaluating the online networking relationships between preceptors and pharmacy students.   Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 2013;5:256-62.

Ulbrich T, Brodman M. Assessment of community pharmacy residents’ opinions regarding training beyond postgraduate year 1 residency. Am J Health Syst Pharm 2012;69:1546-47.

Ulbrich T, Hamer D, Lehotsky K. Second-year pharmacy students’ perceptions of adhering to a complex simulated medication regimen. Am J Pharm Educ 2012; 76(1) Article 11.

Metzger AH, Finley KN, Ulbrich TR, McAuley JW. Pharmacy faculty members’ perspectives on the student/faculty relationship in online social networks. Am J Pharm Educ 2010; 74(10) Article 188.

Ulbrich TR, Clark CA, Green CG, Porter K, Bennett MS. Factors influencing community pharmacists’ enrollment into a state prescription monitoring program (PMP). J Am Pharm Assoc 2010;50(5):588-94.

Ulbrich T, Plogsted S, Geraghty ME, Reber KM, Valentine CJ. Probiotics and prebiotics: why are they “bugging” us in the pharmacy? J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther 2009;14:17-24.

Biscup-Horn PJ, Streiff MB, Ulbrich TR, Nesbit TW, Shermock KM. Impact of an inpatient anticoagulation management service on clinical outcomes. Ann Pharmacother 2008;42:777-82.

Book Chapters

Ulbrich TR, Krinsky DL. Chapter 45: Self-care components of selected chronic disorders. In: Krinsky DL, Ferreri SP, Hemstreet BA, eds. Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs: An Interactive Approach to Self-Care 18th Edition. Washington, DC: American Pharmacists Association; 2015:811-52.

Ulbrich T. Chapter 15: Starting Your Career. In: Soric MM, ed. Maximize Your Rotations: ASHP’s Student Guide to IPPEs, APPEs, and Beyond. 1st ed. Bethesda: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 2013.

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Bruce S, English D, MacKichan J, Ulbrich T. Chapter 12: Academia. In: Soric MM, ed. Maximize Your Rotations: ASHP’s Student Guide to IPPEs, APPEs, and Beyond. 1st ed. Bethesda: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 2013.

Ulbrich TR, Krinsky DL. Chapter 45: Self-care components of selected chronic disorders. In: Krinsky DL, Berardi RR, Ferreri SP, eds. Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs: An Interactive Approach to Self-Care 17th Edition. Washington, DC: American Pharmacists Association; 2012:825-65.

TEDx Talk

Ulbrich TR. “Medication Therapy Management: Utilizing the Pharmacist to Control our Health Care Costs.” TEDx University at Buffalo: The Health of a Society. Buffalo, New York, April 2013. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnCGD05u58k

 Funded Grants

English D, Ulbrich T. “Fostering Leadership Skills for Pharmacy Students. Role: Co-Project Manager. $10,000 received from Northeast Ohio Medical University College of Pharmacy Priority Funding Initiative (2014).

Stone N, Awad M, Ulbrich T, Kelling S. Evaluating the implementation of a pharmacist-led transition of care medication therapy management (MTM) service in an underserved population. Role: Co-Investigator / Co-Preceptor. $1,000 received from the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Foundation Incentive Grant (2014).

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Awad M, Datta S, Bruce S, Ulbrich T. “Impact of clinical pharmacy service on clinical measures in an underserved population.” Role: Co-Investigator. $10,000 received from the Consortium of Eastern Ohio Master of Public Health (CEOMPH) Intra-Partner Research Program (2013).

Ulbrich T, Lang M, Blain D. “Pharmacy Student Business Plan Competition to Implement Innovative and Sustainable Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Services.” Role: Project lead. $2,000 received from Target Campus Award (2013).

Ulbrich T, Fosnight S, Krinsky D, Gerzina H, May H, Konen C. “Improving Adherence Counseling Skills through an Interactive, Interdisciplinary Education Seminar.” Role: Principal Investigator. $30,000 received from Ohio Partnership for Adherence through Collaborative Education (PACE) (2012-2013).

Select Leadership Roles

Board of Trustees Member (District 11), Ohio Pharmacists Association (2012 – present)

Founding Chair, Ohio Pharmacists Association (OPA) New Practitioner eXperience (NPX) (2013 – 2014)

Chair (appointed), APhA New Practitioner Advisory Committee (2012 – 2013)


Voted Most Influential Professor/Faculty (Class of 2015)

2014 Greater Akron Chamber 30 for the Future Award Recipient (June 2014)

2014 Distinguished Young Pharmacist Award, Ohio Pharmacists Association (April 2014)

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Recipient, NEOMED Junior Faculty Award (2014)

Voted Most Influential Professor/Faculty (Class of 2014)

Voted Most Influential Professor/Faculty (Class of 2013)

NEOMED P2 Class Teacher of the Year Award (2012)



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