Cathy Kuhn

Name: Cathy Kuhn, PharmD
Type of Residency or Extended Training Completed:
ASHP-APhA Accredited Pharmacy Practice Residency With Emphasis in Community Care
Current Position: Regional Clinical Coordinator
“Why do you enjoy precepting pharmacy residents?”
I find precepting pharmacy residents to be a rewarding way to give back to the profession of pharmacy. As previous preceptors have done for me, precepting allows me to work side-by-side with the resident to promote their growth and learning. Being a resident/new practitioner is a challenging time as you work to leave your footprints in the pharmacy world, but preceptors are there to help. I enjoy being able to mentor residents and share my knowledge, skills, and experiences. Furthermore, I am challenged by residents professionally so that I can stay on top of my pharmacy game!