Megan Hinkley

Megan Hinkley, PharmD, BCOP, is a Specialty Practice Pharmacist in the area of Oncology at the James Cancer Hospital at The Ohio State University. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Michigan, and subsequently completed her PGY1 and PGY2 residency training at Indiana University Health. Upon completion of her residency, Megan joined the James Pharmacy team as an Oncology Specialty Practice Pharmacist. Megan maintains an active clinical practice in the areas of inpatient medical oncology and outpatient genitourinary oncology. She has served as a preceptor for pharmacy students, PGY1 and PGY2 residents, as well as serving as a research and teaching mentor for several PGY2 hematology/oncology specialty residents. Along with her clinical activities, she is a member of the Hematology Oncology Pharmacists Association (HOPA) and American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists (ASHP).