Kerry Pickworth
Dr. Kerry Pickworth is a Specialty Practice Pharmacist in the area of Cardiology at the Richard M. Ross Heart Hospital on The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center campus. She received her Bachelor of Science and her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Purdue University. Dr. Pickworth also serves as a Clinical Associate Professor at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy. In addition to her adjunctive appointment at the College, Dr. Pickworth maintains an active clinical practice in the area of general cardiology/ heart failure. At the OSU Medical Center, Dr Pickworth has served on multiple quality committees including: Code Blue, Heart Failure, STEMI Team, and has worked on developing treatment protocols in these areas. Her research endeavors cross all aspects of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy but primarily focus on heart failure and general cardiology. Along with her clinical activities, she is a Fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy ( ACCP ), an ASHP Surveyor for Accreditation, has numerous publications, is a frequent national speaker, and is actively involved in multiple national organizations such as: Heart Failure Society of America ( HFSA), American College Of Cardiology ( ACC ) and the American Heart Association ( AHA). Additionally, Dr. Pickworth is the Director of the PGY2 Cardiology Specialty Practice Residency at the OSU Wexner Medical Center which has trained more than 20 specialty pharmacy residents.